Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Book Release: A Garden of Gold (Natural Lactation using Lactogenic Herbs and Super Foods)

About A Garden of Gold:

For many women, the journey into the beautiful world of lactation and the desire to produce a healthy supply of breast milk, either by utilizing non-maternal means, or through the miraculous gifts of pregnancy and childbirth, play a very large role in their daily lives. Unfortunately, some of these women don't realize that the ability to lactate is often right at their fingertips (and even in their own kitchens). Nature provides every woman with a veritably endless supply of nutrient-enriched milk-inducing lactogenic plants, herbs, and super foods known as galactagogues.

In A Garden of Gold, Jennifer Elisabeth Maiden, known to readers around the world as the Loving Milk Maid, or simply LMM, explores dozens of the most effective galactagogues used for centuries as a way to support breast health and increase a woman's supply of breast milk, discusses important side effects and medication interactions associated with these supplements and their safe use, diet and nutrition, shares methods of preparing herbs and super foods, and proper dosage, and includes information on preventing--and managing--the challenge of oversupply.

Written by a nursing woman for every woman, those who have previously lactated and those who have not, biological and adoptive mothers, some who have experienced the heartbreak of chronic low milk supply, and others who are post-menopausal or have undergone hysterectomy, GolA Garden of Gold will prove to be a valuable resource for anyone who has ever dreamed of enjoying the art of successful lactation.

or read the Loving Milk Maid's ORIGINAL BLOG